At Countrywide, we exceed our moral and statutory obligations by applying all aspects of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other related legislation. Our approach doesn’t change, regardless of whether we are dealing with large blue chip organisations or small local companies.
We’re committed to protecting and promoting the health and safety of our employees and others, ensuring that all Countrywide staff, visitors, and contractors conduct themselves in accordance with the Countrywide Policy Statement on Health and Safety.
How Countrywide will achieve its health and safety goals:
- Provide a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with current legislation and Approved Codes of Practice
- Establish and maintain local safety policies, procedures and systems of work that ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and health at work of all employees
- Provide adequate training and supervision, so that employees are made fully aware of the risks inherent in their work, for both themselves and others, and are able to control those risks to an acceptable level
- Use materials, substances and equipment that are either inherently safe or that, subject to appropriate safeguards, can continue to be used in a manner which does not place those involved at undue risk
- Provide suitable protective clothing and other safety equipment to ensure that work can be carried out safely
- Exercise necessary control over the activities of contractors and others carrying out work in connection with Countrywide to ensure that
- Contractors are selected on the basis of their competence, experience and reputations in safety matters
- Those who will be carrying out the work are adequately trained and properly equipped to work in a safe manner
- Appropriate methods of work are planned and implemented to protect anyone at potential risk
- Ensure that, when working as a contractor on sites occupied or controlled by others, employees comply fully with any established local rules and procedures
- Allocate sufficient budgetary resources to ensure that this policy can be implemented effectively across all work under control of Countrywide
- Monitor performance in safety matters and regularly review the effectiveness of this policy

Countrywide recognises that it has a moral and legal responsibility to promote equality in the workplace and is committed to providing a working environment in which employees are able to realise their full potential.
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Environment and Compliance
At Countrywide, we see ourselves as guardians of the environment and the communities we work within. We recognise that it is our duty to ensure good environmental management is practised in all contracts and projects that we are involved in, as we strive to minimise our impact on the natural world.
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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Countrywide is a franchise business the premier provider of grounds maintenance, tree works, landscaping and winter services across the UK.
We know that modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking (together, Modern Slavery) is a global issue across all business sectors. We recognise our responsibility to implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure Modern Slavery is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
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Responsible Procurement and Design
We’re committed to operating all activities within the spirit and letter of all laws and regulations affecting our businesses and employees.
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